Reduce and Re-flavor

What is it about confections that make us crave it? Sugar paired with fat and salt.  Even as I type it my mouth waters for milk duds in my buttery, salty popcorn washed down with an ice cold soda pop.  This isn’t a lesson in removing sweets from your diet or replacement therapy.  It is simply my desire for you to fall in love with the naturally occurring sugar, fat, and salt in ingredients enjoy your confections without guilt.

Many alternatives are laced with chemicals, preservatives, and processed ingredients that side by side cannot be better for you in the long run.  But what if you simply reduced the amount of sugar, fat, and salt, and replaced it with flavor?

By using fresh seasonal (chocolate is always in season) ingredients and focus on balancing those flavors you can create flavor combinations beyond your imagination and not miss the sugar, fat, and salt. 

Join us on this journey as we make you fall in love with crème brûlée spiced with black lava salt, caramelized dried cane sugar, cocoa, coffee, chipotle, and brandy.  But first we start off with a trip to the farmers’ market for our eggs and milk.

See you at the market,
Olivia Rose


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